International Events | 12 Jun 2024

Istanbul’s ratified as 2027 European Games hosts at the 53rd EOC General Assembly in Bucharest

The European Olympic Committees’ (EOC) 53rd General Assembly in Bucharest reflected on its recent successes and the great strength of the European Olympic Movement ahead of a pathway of events and activities set to keep sport at the heart of the continent at the heart of sport.

The General Assembly was joined at the Palace of Parliament by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas BACH, Presidents of Europe’s National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and leaders from European and International Federations ahead of the Olympic Games’ return to Europe in less than 50 days’ time in Paris.

Among the present leaders was ETTU Acting President Pedro MOURA.

“The Assembly was held in an excellent and professional atmosphere while we were being updated with what will be presented at the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. It was great to receive the confirmation about another edition of the European Games in the beautiful city of Istanbul,” said President MOURA.

Among the topics, the use of AI created a lot of interest.

“The General Assembly included a very interesting presentation on how artificial intelligence could be used in a positive way and how it could help sport’s development,” said MOURA. “I was extremely pleased with the organization of the General Assembly in Romania and very happy with the opportunity to meet a few members of the table tennis family who occupy positions in the National Olympic Committees. ITTF President Petra SORLING, serving as a member of the IOC, was also present. It was a very positive gathering where we received and shared a lot of information and knowledge in a great atmosphere."

EOC President Spyros CAPRALOS looked forward to Paris 2024 where European athletes are again expected to win more than 40% of the Olympic medals available.

IOC President BACH addressed the General Assembly on the first day, noting the strength of the relationship between the EOC and IOC, especially in the mission to use sport as a driver for social development and peace building.

“Relations between the EOC and IOC have reached new heights in the last couple of years, and we are more aligned than ever when it comes in particular to our mission to make the world a better place through sport” IOC President BACH said.

During the General Assembly, Istanbul, Türkiye was approved by the members as hosts for the 4th edition of the European Games in 2027, where the leadership of Mayor Ekrem İMAMOĞLU and the city’s passion and expertise promises to build on the sporting and financial success of the 3rd European Games Kraków-Małopolska 2023.

President CAPRALOS confirmed in Bucharest that following the 2023 European Games, a further €3 million will be distributed to NOCs to directly benefit athletes, while Deloitte’s economic impact report revealed it was the most cost-effective edition of the Games yet to further strength the standing of Europe’s premier multi-sport event.