Aleksandr SMIRNOV and Reelica HANSON clinched titles in Estonia

The Estonian Championship was held at the sports building of Tallinn University of Technology. The competitions began with the presentation of prizes from the Estonian Table Tennis Association for the year 2023 awarded to the best performers of the year.

The winners of the awards are as follows:

  • Best Male Player: Vallot VAINULA
  • Best Female Player: Valeria HACHARD
  • Best Young Man: Markkos PUKK
  • Best Girl: Arina LITVINOVA
  • Best Youth Coach: Liidia ANDREEVA
  • Best Male Veteran: Rein LINDMÄE
  • Best Female Veteran: Kai THORNBECH
  • Best Chief Judge of the Competition: Aleksandr KIRPU

The winners of this years National Championships are Aleksandr SMIRNOV and Reelica HANSON.

Men’s Singles

  1. Aleksandr SMIRNOV
  2. Vallot VAINULA
  3. Madis MOOS and Maksim VUHKA

Women’s Singles

  1. Reelica HANSON
  2. Arina LITVINOVA
  3. Airi AVAMERI and Kätlin PÕLDVEER

Men’s Doubles

  1. Pert Marten LEHTLAAN-Madis MOOS
  2. Markkos PUKK-Mart LUUK
  3. Vallot VAINULA-Aleksandr SMIRNOV and Andrei MALTIZOV-Osqar PUKK

Women’s Doubles

  1. Kätlin PÕLDVEER-Reelica HANSON
  2. Liisi VELLNER-Vitalia REINOL
  3. Olesja KETÅ KO-Arina LITVINOVA and Angela LAIDINEN-Elis TÃœRK

Mixed doubles

  1. Aleksandr SMIRNOV-Kätlin PÕLDVEER
  2. Vallot VAINULA-Airi AVAMERI
  3. Maksim VUHKA-Vitalia REINOL and Toomas LIBENE-Olesja KETÅ KO

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