Libertas Marinkolor clinches double crown after seven years Dr. Časl’s 27 trophies in 15 years!

The men’s team of Libertas Marinkolor and the women’s team of Dr. Časl emerged as the champions of the Croatian Cup.

The team from Dubrovnik (Miho SIMOVIĆ Filip ČIPIN and Tomislav JAPEC) confirmed their double crown having secured the championship earlier. They clinched the Cup after defeating GSTK Zagreb 3-0 in the final.

“We finally won the double crown. ČIPIN has been here for the fourth year and only now have we won both trophies. Something always went wrong for us in that Cup. We won the final 3-0 but it wasn’t easy. This season we played our best when it mattered most. We deserved everything. And the atmosphere within the team was excellent this season. Congratulations to the guys the president everyone in the club and the fans on the success ” said Miho SIMOVIĆ.

“We’ve tried to win both titles on several occasions but we haven’t succeeded in the Cup so far. But this time around we were excellent ” said Goran RASPOPOVIĆ the club president who has been leading Libertas for the second year.

“What’s next? Maybe an even bigger step in Europe! We’ve been thinking looking but without an additional player it will be difficult to achieve that. I hope we’ll qualify for the Champions League again but if we want to achieve better results then it will be more likely in some other European competition. The Champions League is a story of its own.”

The last time Pituri won the double crown was on May 25 2017 when the team from Dubrovnik was also superior to GSTK Zagreb in Križevci. SIMOVIĆ and JAPEC were also part of the team back then. Seven years later the double crown has been secured again. After 2535 days from the first championship title Libertas Marinkolor has nine trophies in its treasury five championships and four Cups.

In the match for third place STK Zagreb defeated Marathon 3-1.

For the girls Dr. ČASL’S dominance (Mirela ĐURAK BLAŽIČEVIĆ Dorina SREBRNJAK Tamolwan KHETKHUAN and NI Xia Lian) continues! After securing their 11th championship title they won their seventh Cup trophy by defeating TIS 3-0 in the final.

In 15 years Dr. Časl has won a total of 27 trophies 20 with the women’s team and seven with the men’s team and according to Martin ČASL the club’s president they don’t intend to stop.

“In the final the victory was surprisingly easy; I didn’t expect this kind of win. We are the only club in Europe to have won five different titles: the Champions League the Central European Super League the Mediterranean Cup the national league and the national Cup. In a month we’ll be in Serbia to hunt for the sixth competition when we play the Grand Final of the Europa Trophy and next season I want to win the European Cup. We have a dangerous team. Of course all of this is worth it if our health holds up which is the most important thing ” said ČASL.

The day before in the match for third place STK Zagreb defeated Vrsar 3-1.

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