ETTU is gearing up to set the stage alight with the first-ever ETTU Europe Youth Series event. The 2023 Croatia Open will be played in Osijek from 26th to 30th April. Showcasing the stars of tomorrow the new ETTU Youth Series will include the Under 13 and Under 15 age categories.
Final Entries day is Monday 27th March 2023;
accommodation details deadline is Thursday 30th March 2023;
travelling details deadline is Monday 3rd April 2023;
payment deadline is Thursday 20th April 2023
Changes/Substitutions deadline: Monday 24th April 2023 at 12:00 local time (CEST)
All information (entries schedule results updates…) regarding the EYS Croatia Open will be published on the following link.
Maximum number of Individual entries : 176
Maximum number of Teams entries : 40
Number of guaranteed mixed teams per event per association: 2
Number of guaranteed players per event per association: 4
Number of guaranteed doubles per event per association: 2
Number of guaranteed mixed teams per event for the host association: 3
Number of guaranteed players per event for the host association: 8
The ETTU Competition Manager can allow teams with players from different Associations only for players whose Associations do not reach a guaranteed number of teams per event.
Please note that ITTF ID is mandatory for entering players for the event. For the players who do not have an ITTF ID yet Associations shall finish the registration process in ITTF before the entry deadline on the 27th of March.