ETTU / ITTF –Europe Development Program
Well attended ETTU 2016 Coaching Conference in Prague gathered 71 coaches from 18 counties in past three days. Interesting subjects attracted the huge attention of the Continental experts.
On Monday Dr. Med. Danijel BORKOVIC (SLO) opened the Conference with the lecture “Nutrition in Table Tennis”. He talked about the basic anatomy and physiology of digestive system basis of healthy nutrition and food supplements.
Ph.D. Makis CHAMALIDIS (FRA) had the lecture named “Coaching is a Mental Game”. Among various subjects Consultant for the French Tennis Federation since 1997 explained why Coach should be much more of a Mental Coach.
Today Anders JOHANSSON (SWE) at he closing session will highligt the problem that changes might bring.
During three days Conference organizers CTTA offered perfect conditions.